Samsung GSG (Global Strategy Group) belongs to the Samsung Group and, as their top-tier management key strategic advisors, their aim is to enhance Samsung’s overall business performance and global reach.
As part of the process of developing an internal pipeline of talented global managers and future leaders Samsung GSG wanted a deeper level of insight into the banking and insurance landscape in Indonesia. They chose Decision Lab to conduct desk-based market research to help provide them with an overview of these industries.
Decision Lab collected and analysed secondary data from a broad range of trusted and reliable sources including company websites, annual reports, analyst reports and articles.
From these sources, Decision Lab was able to gather data on financial performance, market statistics, channel mix, the geographical concentration of operations and sales coverage of the major life insurers and banks in Indonesia.
This also included information on the market share, existing products and services, distribution channels, marketing and advertising methods as well as customer profiling and segmentation of each company.
Careful analysis of this data provided Samsung GSG with a deeper understanding of the major players and growth tendencies of the Indonesian insurance and banking industries.