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We help your marketing more data-driven, agile, and connected.

Empowering better Marketing decisions

Customised Research

YouGov RealTime - YouGov RealTime provides quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences.
Vietnam Omnibus - Vietnam Omnibus is a cost-effective method to gather robust, nationally representative data in as few as 3 working days.
Custom Research - Custom Research is a full end-to-end service from YouGov Decision Lab experts, from sample framing and questionnaire design to analysis and more.

YouGov Profiles

Find your perfect audience - Combine unique filters to build up an outline of your ideal audience, incorporating media, psychographics, demographics and more.
Create a detailed portrait of them - Choose from millions of data variables, collected daily and updated weekly, including brand usage and perception, hobbies and interests, and media.
Target them with incredible precision - Pinpoint the channels and mediums your audience loves, and talk to them when they most want to listen.

YouGov BrandIndex

Track daily performance - Strategize your growth with 16 vital brand health metrics as clear KPIs.
Track your brand through time - Chart brand trajectories up to the present day, across 15+ years of historical and ever-growing source of living data, to create the picture that matters most to you.
Track your strategy - Benchmark against your competitors, and immediately identify and act on any changes in your brand's perception, seizing opportunities in your sector.


Get in touch with your research needs and receive free consultation.