YouGov BrandIndex
TRACKINGYouGov BrandIndex
Keep track of brand and campaign performance with our best-in-class brand tracking solutions.
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Supercharge your planning with our living dataset of 10,000+ demographic, psychographic, and attitudinal variables.
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Customised Research
CUSTOMCustomised Research
Explore & tackle business challenges with agile & custom marketing research solutions.
Learn moreEmpowering better Marketing decisions
Customised Research
YouGov RealTime - YouGov RealTime provides quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences.
Vietnam Omnibus - Vietnam Omnibus is a cost-effective method to gather robust, nationally representative data in as few as 3 working days.
Custom Research - Custom Research is a full end-to-end service from YouGov Decision Lab experts, from sample framing and questionnaire design to analysis and more.
YouGov Profiles
Find your perfect audience - Combine unique filters to build up an outline of your ideal audience, incorporating media, psychographics, demographics and more.
Create a detailed portrait of them - Choose from millions of data variables, collected daily and updated weekly, including brand usage and perception, hobbies and interests, and media.
Target them with incredible precision - Pinpoint the channels and mediums your audience loves, and talk to them when they most want to listen.
YouGov BrandIndex
Track daily performance - Strategize your growth with 16 vital brand health metrics as clear KPIs.
Track your brand through time - Chart brand trajectories up to the present day, across 15+ years of historical and ever-growing source of living data, to create the picture that matters most to you.
Track your strategy - Benchmark against your competitors, and immediately identify and act on any changes in your brand's perception, seizing opportunities in your sector.
Success Stories